Everyone has a Story to Tell. Here’s Mine.
Like the shoemaker’s kids who better not run around barefoot, and the professional organizer who needs to be sure her sock drawer is in order, the pressure is on for me to have the most kick-ass “About Me” page intro.
Here goes:
I didn’t play Freeze tag or Red Rover during sixth-grade recess. Nor did I trade gossip stories about David Cassidy and Bobby Sherman.
Instead, I stayed in my classroom after lunch and graded papers for Mr. Derman. He let me use a big, fat red marker and never questioned the constructive comments I added to help my classmates make their writing stronger, or the grades I gave them.
This first “gig” was the launch of a life-long career of writing, editing, and critiquing words.
Scrabble. Crosswords. Even Wordle. I love words and have a lot of fun with them. I’m on a mission to banish all the boring “About Me” pages out there!
About Me pages should be exciting and engaging. (Like this one!) They should NOT be a humdrum list of your past jobs, education, and accomplishments.
Because…Nobody Cares About You. (That’s become somewhat of a mantra in my coaching classes.)
I get it; it’s tough to write about yourself. It’s easier to just list some qualifications than it is to dig deeper and find that perfect story in your repertoire of stories that will make people say, “Aha! She gets me and I want to work with her!”
People want to get a glimpse of who you are before they commit to working with you, particularly when the playing field is loaded with people who offer products and services very similar to yours.
So how do you do that?
We’ll chat and you’ll answer the questions that make figuring it out easy, and I will translate that into the words that best tell your story.
The best About Me page illustrates what you can do for your client. Sure, include all the amazing things you’ve done in your past. But do so in a way that shows that everything you’ve done and experienced to this point is rolled together into a package that can solve your client’s problems. Your work experience, your education, your interests. Spin them into an interesting, fun, engaging package and they’ll want to gobble up your product or service.
Piece of cake, right?
Personal details are key. And I’m not talking about sharing the first car you drove or other password-busting hints. Allowing a glimpse into your personality helps turn prospects into clients, as they get a sense of who you truly are, instead of a page that reads like a glorified resume. You will have a story that shows you know what your client needs and have the skills and experience to give it to them.
It will paint a picture of what their life will look like after they work with you.
It can be as simple as sharing your preferences for vanilla ice cream over chocolate (what’s the matter with you!), the Mets over the Yankees (duh!), and staying up late vs. rising early. It’s conversational. It’s easy. And it works when done right.
Sound good?
Let me help you discover and tell your perfect Founder’s story. I’ll use the words that allow your fun and vibrant personality to shine through, even if you are in a profession that might seem “boring” or dry.
I love to write and don’t stress about it. I have a Master’s in journalism, and am a private writing coach and content creator for women entrepreneurs who don’t have the time or the inclination to focus on their writing, but know the importance of good, original content. It all starts with the About Me page, and then can move into regular blog posts, website updates, marketing material, resume and LinkedIn profile, and more. I’ve got you covered.
I spent 25 years working on various projects while raising my family in the suburbs. As a compulsive volunteer for many parent, educational, and community advocacy groups, I always seemed to offer to run the communications and create the publications.
Summit, NJ has been my home for over 29 years. When I’m not writing, I’m reading, playing pickleball, listening to Broadway show tunes, raising money for the library or local professional theatre, and dreaming up our next family vacation. My husband and I are giving way too much attention to our lab-mix rescue as our three little birds have left the nest.
Melanie is a mentor, writing coach, cheerleader, partner/collaborator for many, but when we are working together, it feels as if I am her only client. She gets truly excited when working with me on my pieces, praises me on my growth, and always gives honest, thoughtful feedback, making every interaction a learning experience. Melanie listens intently and is encouraging, dedicated, and supportive, whether we work collaboratively 1:1, or she takes on a writing project completely.
—Marcie Singer, Marcie Singer Coaching
Community Involvement
Since March 2012, I have run a chapter of this empowerment / networking group for entrepreneurial women in the Summit, NJ area who meet monthly to discuss anything and everything that impacts their lives and their businesses. Learn More
As Director of Marketing and Community Outreach for this non-profit, professional theatre company, my goal is to get butts in seats, and come up with creative ways to partner with community organizations.
Since 2018, I have covered the public education beat for TAPinto.net, a local online newspaper. Budgets, curriculum, state funding, board of education...I try to make it all sound glamorous and terribly exciting.
For 10 years, as president of this community public education advocacy group, I ran marketing, promotional, and fundraising initiatives.